[Dongtan’s gym buckle] #Dongtan Jim #Membership Body Profile Part 2 #7th Anniversary Event

Again today!
Thank you for not forgetting to visit our buckle gym blog.It is true that many people will bear the fruit of their efforts in 2023 in December!
So today, I prepared the second edition of your body profile!
Park Soo-woo~~~… No need for long words, please take a look at the body profiles of fashionable members who have paid off their efforts so far!
Don’t be surprisedIn the last posting, we revealed the profile of Park X, a member in his 60s, but today’s main character Kang X-hee is in his 50s and is taking good care of his health through PT and spinning exercises.You both have a lot of effort and good results, but it’s really heartbreaking to see you work out so hard and get younger every day!
Thank you for your continuous management and efforts, following the guidance of PT team leader Yang Min-woo, the trainer in charge!
Thank you for your hard work ^^In the case of ordinary members, the number of times they go out to exercise after shooting is reduced, but today’s main character Kang X-hee and last posting main character Park X-member are still taking care of themselves The members are the best!
Fantastic. ^^On rainy Mondays, the staff of this buckle gym are gaining more power from the members I’ll come back with a good posting theme next time~~ And!
Thanks to your interest and love, the 7th anniversary first-come-first-served event for 20 people has been closed!
Those who couldn’t register!
Don’t be sad~ The 7th anniversary 2nd event has started!
You can hurry now★ Consultation and Inquiries 031) 377-9691~2★Access: If you use the 8th floor of Shinyu Medi Plaza, 10, Dongtan-daero 19-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, it is a 400 pyeong total fitness center!
#DongtanPilates #Dongtanpt #DongtanFitness #DongtanStationSpinning #DongtanStationZumba#DongtanStationPilates#DongtanStationYoga#DongtanStationPitty#2TongtangSpinning#2TongtangZumba#2TongtangYoga#2Tongtang Pilates#2TongtangPitty#2TongtangptBuckle Gym Fitness Dongtan 2-gil 10-gil Shinyu Medi Plaza, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 8F#BarkleJim #DongtanBarkleJim #DongtanEkim #2DongtanEkim #DongtanEkipt #DongtanEkipt #2DongtanEkipt #Tongtan2pt #TongtanSpinning#TongtanStationSpinning#Tongtan2SpinningPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image